
Hi, I’m Mike

Search Marketing Specialist

Website Analyst

Business Strategist

I utilize creative and strategic online marketing to help businesses reach and convert their ideal customers.

If you’d like help with your digital marketing strategy, please reach out.

“If you get good enough at digital marketing, you can work from the beach some day.”

Those were the words, uttered by one of my college professor, that gave me the motivation to become a successful digital marketer.

After graduating with a degree in strategic communications from the University of Missouri School of Journalism, I dove head-first into all things online marketing.

Still waiting for that beach though…

My career began at a small marketing agency where I had a hand in every aspect of our client’s online marketing efforts

This provided a great primer of the digital marketing landscape, and a vast testing ground to try and iterate on new ideas. The most important thing I learned from my early days as an online marketer was the importance of tracking performance to find what’s working and double down on those tactics.

Aside from the broad online marketing experience, I also picked up a fairly aggressive coffee habit.

From there, I’ve been able to home in on 3 areas of online marketing that best complement my skill set.

Paid Search

I’ve been managing paid search campaigns since 2012, but you wouldn’t be able to tell based on the level of excitement I get auditing an account or creating campaign. For some reason, Google Ads has always been the digital marketing medium that’s felt the most natural to me.



My fascination with ppc led to learning the in’s and out’s of organic search marketing. I was an avid writer growing up, as well as a tad competitive, so content marketing for SEO is right in my wheelhouse.


Web Analytics

Do your digital marketing efforts even matter if you aren’t measuring them? I treat Google Analytics and similar web analytics tools as a scoreboard to see how well campaigns are delivering for a business. My preferred implementation method is Google Tag Manager.